Ordinances & Resolutions
Official Records
1. Resolution establishing property owners pay for fire calls 5-4-1987
2. Resolution 2-94 Chapter 17 Certified Survey Map Code 12-7-1994
3. Resolution 3-94 Chapter 21 Highway Setbacks & Sign Regulations 12-7-1994
4. Resolution to Extend Schlosser Road 3-9-1995
5. Resolution to Make Road Name Changes 11-7-1995
6. Highway Ordinance 12-7-1999
7. Resolution to Change Election Official Numbers 3-7-2000
8. Ordinance to Establish 2nd Set of Election Workers 3-7-2000
9. Resolution For Newspaper Receptacles 2-5-2003
10. Resolution For Albany A Signage 4-8-2003
11. Bridge Petition 10-29-2014
12. Ordinance #572015 ATV & UTV Designation & Regulations 4-7-2015
13. Ordinance #572015 (Amendment #1) ATV & UTV Designation & Regulations 4-7-2015
14. Ordinance #572015 (Amendment #2) ATV & UTV Designation & Regulations 10-16-2019
15. Resolution for TRIP Construction Project 12-11-2019
16. Amendment to Uniform Dwelling Code 6-1-2021
17. Resolution #10202021 Ward Boundary Changes 10-20-2021
18. Ordinance #12152021 Town of Lima Cemetery 12-15-2021
19. Ordinance #572015 (Amendment #3) ATV & UTV Designation & Regulations 4-19-2022
20. Ordinance #3152023 Class B Liquor License Off-Sale 3-15-2023
21. Fire Bill Ordinance 8-7-2023